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Fully Benefit from IT Investment

Besides reducing the risk of copyright infringement, proper software asset management (SAM) can maximize the benefits from IT investment.

Control software acquisition cost
An effective software management process minimizes software acquisition cost by accurately identifying the current and future software needs of your department and purchasing only what necessary, and thus avoid excessive software licensing, by referring to the up-to-date software inventory.

Avoid unnecessary hardware cost
An effective software management process allows us to identify the software currently in use, as well as expected upgrades, substitutions and disposals by referring to the up-to-date software inventory. Removal of software no longer in use frees space on existing hardware and thus help avoid the costs of unnecessary hardware upgrades.

Control software support cost
An effective software management process allows us to reduce support costs by reducing the incompatibilities due to different brands and versions of software. We can also avoid excessive software support service coverage.

Ensure software quality and reliability
An effective software acquisition and deployment process ensures the quality and reliability of the software. Illegally copied software can be defective or infected with a virus, or recently released but is not adequately tested. Licensed software, on the other hand, provides the assurance of product quality and product support services.

Increase employee productivity
By conducting periodic software asset reviews, we can find out the software needs from staff to ensure that they have the software tools they need to accomplish their tasks efficiently.