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Digital Signing

Digital Signing with iAM Smart


  1. User to start the digital signing by iAM Smart process (if user is not authenticated, perform step 2-6 of “Authentication” process to obtain tokenised account identifier*)
  2. Online service to pass the hash value generated from the web form to be signed along with the user’s tokenised account identifier to iAM Smart System
  3. Online service to show an identification code and invite the user to authorise digital signing in the iAM Smart Mobile App
  4. After ensuring the identification code shown on the iAM Smart Mobile App and the online service webpage are the same, user to authorise the digital signing action
  5. iAM Smart System to perform digital signing and return the signed hash and user’s digital certificate# with public key to online service
  6. Online service to confirm the digital signing and display result to user

* Tokenised account identifier is a unique identifier of iAM Smart user assigned by iAM Smart System for a particular online service. Different online service will be assigned with different values of tokenised account identifier for the same iAM Smart user.

# Digital certificate issued by Recognized Certification Authority for iAM Smart user.